Is the page count shorter because they have abridged it by removing content or because it is a smaller form factor? The Almanack is like a coffee table book with a ton of illustrations and other features that make it longer. I can see how if the new version is mostly text it could be shorter in pages while still having all the content. I agree that it would be crazy to remove content from a classic.

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Unfortunately, the Amazon description says it’s abridged. But you’re right that part of the difference in page count might be because of the book’s smaller physical size. I’m hoping the cuts are minimal.

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023Liked by Kingswell

That's unfortunate. I'm surprised Munger and Kaufman were ok with cutting material.

I'm fortunate to have two copies of the Almanack. The first one I bought in 2005 and I have a signed/personalized copy from Charlie himself that Peter Kaufman was kind enough to send me in 2009 just shortly after I started my website. Still blown away that he was kind enough to do that just because he happened to read something on my website! Both books are prized possessions. I guess I'll buy the new format just to check it out.

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Oh wow, that’s incredible! What a treasure!

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Excellent points. Munger does seem to be one of the few voices reminding and inspiring us to be a good moral example for others.

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Jun 12, 2023Liked by Kingswell

I will cheerfully sell you my copy of Poor Charlie’s Almanac. I am at a point in life where I am thinning out the library by selling or giving away my books. Let me know.

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Thanks — I already have a copy of the original. It’s just such a huge book that it barely fits on my shelf and I was hoping for a smaller, complete edition. Thanks for the kind offer!

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Enjoyed this and the reference to a few of Charlie‘s older speeches. Thank you for the summary.

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