Sep 8, 2023Liked by Kingswell

Thanks for the regular Berkshire newsletter, it's nice to see everything summarized in one spot. One minor note on BYD, since I've seen you make the statement a few times now, Berkshire doesn't own over 8% of BYD the company - Berkshire Hathaway Energy owns over 8% of the *Hong Kong listed class* of shares in BYD. BHE owns about $3.1 Billion USD worth of BYD stock (approx. 98.6m shares of HK:1211) and the current market cap of BYD is around $95 B USD. About 3 1/4 % last we heard.

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You're right. When I started writing about BYD -- probably last summer when the rumors of Berkshire selling BYD started -- I was careful to mention that Berkshire's interest pertained to Hong Kong-listed shares and not the overall share count. But, for whatever reason, I've dropped that in the last few months and confused myself and probably others in the process.

I can fall into the bad habit of double-checking ownership percentages against CNBC's Berkshire Portfolio Tracker and, in cases like this, it led me astray. Thanks for pointing this out! I'll add an update to next week's Berkshire roundup to clarify this.

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Thanks, Kingwell for sharing Buffett’s and Munger’s wise thoughts on reading 10-K. I learn so much reading these annual reports especially the CEO message on strategy and the Management Discussions.

I always think good investors are not lazy, and they spend the time to dig into facts and data rather than repeating what everyone else is doing. Buffett and Munger are role models!

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“ If I were being cynical, I might suspect that such filings are more aimed at causing investors’ eyes to glaze over and give up than in providing a full accounting and understanding of a business’s performance.”

This is absolutely the goal of most public companies!

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Kingswell

Kudos on the continued success of the newsletter!

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